Magic Lies at the End of Logic
And Telling doesn't work! So I will not be giving you answers, Instead, I will facilitate you to choose what is best for you yourself, and not Impose what I think is right.
It is not necessary for what is best for you is what others approve. What they think is not your problem.Each to his own.
Empowerment is when you allow the other person to make a choice that works for them and facilitate them to make that choice.
I have conducted more than 5000+ Hours of Online and Offline Workshops in the last 5 years and have personally given 800+ 1on1 Personal Access Sessions, I am also a Heal your Life Workshop Leader.
I have about 2 decades of experience in the Corporate World in functions of Human Resources, Recruitment and HR, Coaching, Consulting, Sales, and marketing, I chose to be my own boss and I inspire my participants to follow their own knowing, trust themselves and empower them to be who they truly are in every area of their lives.
Magic Lies at the End of Logic
After 2 decades of experience in corporates in functions of Human Resources, Recruitment and HR, Coaching, Consulting, Sales and marketing, Geet Batra chose to be my own boss and inspire people to follow their knowledge and empower them to be who they truly are in every area of their lives.
My Commitment to you is beyond the Workshop or session you attend with me. I will stand by you as long as you are willing to Receive!
The Programs & Sessions are not limited to Coaching, heal your Life or Access Methodology, But go beyond and come from my experience with people I have come across or facilitated in the past.